Organizer and co-organizer of several public events in Ronda and the SerranÃa that reported on the risk of invasion of photovoltaic parks in different places such as: Llano de la Cruz Neighborhood Association, Ronda Oil Cooperative and Ronda Casino, Setenil City Council of the Bodegas.
The association has established a dialogue with mayors and corporations from several affected municipalities in the SerranÃa to raise awareness of this problem.
Organizer and co-organizer of several actions to raise awareness of this current problem: video forum Movie "Alcarras", informative talks at the Secondary Education institutes and the Language School of Ronda.
The Association was a promoter of the Platform Affected by Megaparks, which brings together half a dozen associations as well as affected people and has about 130 participants.
We promoted the convening of an extraordinary plenary session to debate the issue of photovoltaic parks in Ronda and achieved that for the first time in history, 5 associations requested (unfortunately without success) to intervene in the plenary session. (February 2022).
The Association has presented reasoned and substantiated arguments in all the prior authorization or environmental impact assessment procedures for the installation of photovoltaic parks in the municipality of Ronda, as well as the project for the installation of a new sub-station. (April-July 2022)
We promoted the rectification of the PGOU of Ronda, which by mistake/omission in 2005 had unprotected all non-developable land with compatible protection.
Promoter of the temporary alliance of 12 associations from Ronda and related with the purpose of urging the City Council to support the Proposal of Law, of Legislative Initiative of the City Councils, in defense of protected spaces and in favor of planning before renewable energies ( October 2022).